Friday, April 20, 2012

They're So Cute...

Last night we dragged the kids out to McDonald's and shopping. Actually I was dragged too, but anyway, that's what we did last night.

As we're riding out, the kids are in the back having a heated discussion that I ignore until I hear Noah burst out with, "It's in the Bible! Haven't you read the Bible? On page 398, it says boys go before girls for activities!"
And then he expected me to back him up. I told him I was unfamiliar with that passage, and all I knew was "Ladies first."

Then while at McDonald's, Ariana inevitably has to go to the bathroom. Because we are in public and that's what kids do. So I escort her and she goes in and does her thing. Then I hear, "There's no toilet paper in here!"
So I tell her hang on, I'll grab her some.
"Nevermind, I wiggled it off!"
*Side note, I hate doing her laundry.

Then there is always the Dollar store struggle. Trying to get everything and get through the line before the kids know, so you don't end up suckered into buying them something they can't live without. This was no exception. We were at the door with our bags calling, "Come on guys! You ready?"
And Zoe answers, "Oh yeah. I was born ready. Well, actually no. It took my mom 2 days."

So that was my Thursday night.

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