Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ooooh That Smell

One morning in March, during the “warm spell”, Noah says to me, “Mummy, I’m going to need you to buy me some deodorant.”

This was one of those moments that I was desperately jealous of people who can raise one eyebrow, because that is what I would have done.

Me: “Why do you think you need deodorant?”

Noah: “Well, I’m getting to that age...”

Me: “Okay… what makes you think that? Do you stink?”

Noah: “My teacher said we should all ask our parents if they can buy us some.”

I’m guessing the classroom must have been especially pungent after recess if this was his teacher’s idea. I felt bad for her, so I bought him some.

This morning after he took a shower I asked if he had used any, and he confirmed.

Me: “Alright, then breakfast. Are you going to have pound cake or what, it’s on the counter.”

Noah: “Oh, I didn’t know if it was okay to get it myself.”

Ariana: “Well if you are old enough to wear DERODIANT then you are old enough to get your own breakfast!”  

And this is how moms are born. 

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